Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Greg's 2021 Goals, a WordPad Document . . . . Cosmos is a flower too

  Greg's 2021 Goals 

inspired by Craig Benzine, WheezyWaiter, really WheezyNews, WheezyMondays, youtube podcast

1. Write every day, as early as is reasonable, mornings, at least 1 page

2. Think about how to be a better friend and family member, what I can tell them and do for them that will be helpful and enriching and let them know they are loved and accepted

3. Read from a book every day, at least a section or chapter

4. Plant a garden, at least 4 different plants, as early as is healthy for the plants, may be not till spring

5. Plan more of my life, how to be productive, contributing, probably should get a job to make money, probably a career so I can make a safety net for future housing, food, health, things that cost money and make life better.

6. Eat less, exercise more, drop 30 pounds, no more than 1 unit of alcohol a day

7. meditate, at least 10 minutes a day

now I will type more words to fulfill item 1 on this list. There are 17 or so days left in 2020. No reason to wait till 2021 to live better. #5 was difficult to write and to think about (i guess writing includes thinking, or that's most what it is, i guess most of what people do is think, but i guess most people think badly, and i guess we also do not think at all sometimes. that's why we let bad stuff happen or just do bad stuff. we should think about what we are doing and think about what we should do, what is good to do.)

that is a long parenthetical. 

I should type more than one page since there are a lot of spaces.

I like lots of space. and spaces.

multiple universes could be multiple spaces. is cosmoses the plural of cosmos?

i will google that now. i've been using ocean hero. - it is. Cosmos is a flower too.

i've been playing a lot of solo eldritch horror. it's almost all i wanna do. i think i'm obsessed. i wanted to play with each character.

i've been drinking a lot. well, for a few years, i've tried to get tipsy almost every day, trying to hide it from my mom.

i thought maybe i gave myself cirrhosis. or cancer, because i eat bad food and too much.

it's kind of scary. i have itchy bumps around my butt crack. maybe it's jock itch. i bought anti-fungal powder last year, when i was doing construction and sweating a lot. i've used most of it.

i'd like to spend a while in a hospital. i hope my thoughts are not overwhelmed by pain -

this sounds crazy. 

okay, i will wrap this up now. i'm looking forward to my mom going to her doctor in an hour or so. she wants to eat double dave's pizza rolls tonight.

we are going shopping this eve.

post - your - perfectness

goo bye you

i love you


Greg Wredberg -

The End

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