Tuesday, January 28, 2025

 When there is no more time to think


I wonder what life, the world and people will be like ,

When everyone is christian .

They think to themselves and decide, I am a christian.

What's gonna happen


Too late

Almost late enough

Sunday, January 26, 2025

 I always drink too much

I am self destructive

Self sabotaging

I wonder why

What will my present self get ,

My future won't ?


I donno 


I took a second t h c gummy . That is all for today. 

I am extremely addicted to YouTube 

I actually don't know what to do without it

I call Dodger 'brook thorn'  my girl 

Gorl is also good

I want to die. 

I don't know anything 

By bye


I love You. 

It's at least an hour later.

What is enough?

I just took another gummy

 I did christian surveys, 

A question about war,

I  say

People can speak through their differences to peacefully collaborate on improving our lives and planet.

It's almost 8 on Sunday.

I am going to drink alcohol.

Yesterday my mom bought me irish cream at costco.

I drank a lot last night.

It went by quickly .. also I took 2 thc gummies.

I love that it's raining.

I wonder if I'll eat something good. I guess I'll finish the pizza rolls.

I'm always happy when I can watch Dodger,

I just started today's Sunday Afternoon Dooger.

Okay, I am done. I am kind of tired.

I wonder if I'll watch The Brutalist.

I would go back to sleep.

I thought of giving plasma, it's been too long

I think I'll take a gummy

Everything will be


The End 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

   Is n ' t it perfect?

я we not peяfect ? я

 Christ Almighty safe my soul again.

I am winding through unending days.

Nuclear Friendships, freedom of mind, 

Give us our lives open ending.

The blood of jesus is white wine

The Wine of Jesus is white blood.

  Log on the web on the internet. A lot of my ohh games sitting on the toilet pooping, but I guess I'm done, but I guess I should take a break and wipe my butt stand up english man. This is a poem. I mean, this is a diary entry. This is a journal. This is a book that I wrote with my brain. My, there's a fact in my mind. There's nothing before me or after me. There's another plant. There's 2 plants here. I want to give everyone chocolate Bunny. I wanna give myself a raging heart attack. I want to flow through imperious space with mind like a serrated gun ship. My life is a quiet triangle of loss .. full of Death and misery and love . Love kills Everything else. My mind is a crime for humanity to solve underneath A bloody treatment for Christmas dying girls eating the brains of the alien who spoke about his own meaninglessness but. in doing so made the perfect meaning before God and before me and I said Yes, and God said, give me another one, and I did and he said okay. Now we are going , go ,


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

 It isn't at all about the arrangement of atoms and light.

It is about people.

And our desires and self control and willpower and benevolence .

I guess 

i hope

i pray to You

I put faith in You, Father, Son, Holy Ghost

I worship You. 

Thank you. 


Monday, January 13, 2025

Talk with the Faces of God

 Talk with the faces of God.

Ten thousand one other souls

A Time of possums




Blueprints of understanding

Humans crapping on the substantial being

Karen does her job ,

Moves items for sale in a shop.


A city, town and village 


School Fed


How can we be perfect?

I will be good enough. 

I might as well try.

' Reasons ' to overthink


Monopolies of manufacturing and agriculture

Do we what will

Why do I think some things are difficult?

Why do I ever think I don't care about anything?

Every conscious person always cares about something.

I've known since high school, I must read important documents and Good books.

I must practice science

To understand

( Best Practice )

To improve human lives

By creating things, places, systems and situations 

Full of health, sustainability, 

To expand Mind.

Why exactly would I be just Jesus Christ?

Good question 

I wonder what my life could have been.

Nothing is inevitable

All is Will

 In him

Worry I dropt something 

 Is my reasons and no longer anything


Validity and boring boringness 

The one hand washes itself.

 I am always up Early

Because I feel like god.

When you call a mother Distracted, 
She does not know to choose
Taboo of being two people 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

After all the times i told myself, i find myself absolutely inextricably Human again

  What is a good test?

Swimming hot tub and pools

Corpus, Padre, Full moon palm.

High hi.

  I will count to 100,

Think of everything I've ever done wrong

Then everything I can ever do good from now on. 

When is The last time?

Why did we get a new TV?

The moon keeps rising, 

the moon keeps rising 

I can do cartwheels:
Doing cartwheels also
Means doing Cartwheels. 

Yodeling freedom train
It's an American success story. 

Blatantly ignoring family 
Suffering takes a way of life
Most cannot stomach or believe. 

Show me your personhood.
I am flat out menage a trois 
With a hope and belief. 

Derive the certainty syllable,
One in a vajillion,
I take it
You deliberate 
Sanctity of Skin
Beg the Decency
From blossoming choices...
Comfort care for the sick and injured. 



God is a warship,

Silent Retreat. 

Colossal mistake, 

Baby meat

Private Mary 1st class

Jesus can you knock

My bleeding mercy

Knowledge in the 5th

Roundabout Personhood.

Saviour complex

Bursted open alien


Time Father 


Ape sanctuary, 

Blessed forgetful 

Seed money memory 

Appliance design

App on your phone

Tells We don't 

Municipal dungeon 

Makeout warriorslave 

, sane Angel, burning 

Questions, flavors 

Of the Day.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Popularity and Hair

 Music and defensiveness

I'll try not to kill meself everyday 

Any more

The More of Anny


Wild  Wooly  Cool  Womean

Beauty Loving

Beauty like love is a miracle.

They are verbs and actions.

Even if loving of the self


A woman chopping firewood


She survives to benefit humanity.

Chase her vibes.

Athletic meaningful dances

The care for self , the selfless axe

Acts of love

Homeless shelters

Soup kitchens

The end of anything....

Body Spoken

 I got a thousand minds;

My mind ain't one .

Gimme All You Got

 Aaron and I send texts and Links.

Give me life. Give me Love.

I deserve nothing. I deserve everything.

Let us play at the Limits.

Get drunk with Children. So what?

What should I be?

Don't you see me,

You don't know what to be.


Dawn, first floor breakfast room, glass wall views of the boardwalk, beach and sea.

January Ocean -

   Teenager in a Wetsuit .

Give me all you got.

All you got.

Think I want to Be with You.



Summer days

fall off the roof of the project. 

Releasing the moon from the cage

Which we build to confine the mind

To stop the learning of Friends

And the Sun, who are dead and

Growing Old.

So in the name of receiving

What God takes.

- -

Open the crates ,

Free the cranes.

African Nature 

Speechless midwest zoo people.

Jack and Sue Hanna

Cbsabcnbc , Saturday morning vacation coast Into the wild

I Didn't Get 

To Pinch My

Uncle's Face Yet.

1 Bed Beach Club Condo Wake

I'm a cocoon. I'm a butterfly. 
How can 1 be both?
I'm a human. I'm a God's mirror. 

Might be a million,

I may be 1 Million People. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Correct Predictions: 2050

  1.  Some human will write a sequel to a list of predictions. 
  2.  A girl will be born.
  3. The sun will be brighter. 
  4. For every eleven doctors, there will be more than one nurse.
  5. I will be dead, within 25 years. 
  6. More than one prediction will be correct. 
  7. One business will make more profit that last year.
  8. Three non-profits will survive more than one year. 
  9. There will be a new planet.
  10. There will be failed and successful space missions.
  11. Ten people will live more than 100 years in a row.
  12. Less burgers will be eaten.
  13. Less cows will be born.
  14. Someone under 3 will write a book.
The End

Why are you sounds?

I was awake before.

Trust me I can be, Everything.


The Mother Of All


 We can't breathe or eat

Without photosynthesizers


Taking care of ourselves is taking care of ecosystems. 


Physical copies

Humanmade Light

DJs , turntables , palm trees , ferns , grasslands , corn fields , deep woods

Web sites

   Thorax Fixations

Dream Words

 True Virtues

   Real   Life

Re views

 Somebody Somewhere

Gives me a humanist existentialism 

We each live unique lives, shifting paths

Sands and hands

Times rhymes lime teeth feet

No one everyone, beginning end

Okay , same to me ,


- g d w

Thursday, January 9, 2025

So many of us in this universe

Just one to putup

" she brought me home .. "

Thanks for leaving me here to die.

The End

The crank, the chain
The position, the angle
The flea, the flight 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 It is just like time,

Just like fading into eternity.

Fade to Yellow 

Ko op radio

And I am and I sleeppp 

Watching and believing 



Fractal Bean

What does that mean?

Where does that come from?

The End

I check my mailbox again.

I spent the military budget on the homeless .... fields of wheat and books about Communism.

I just watched the Sci Show Tangents 

episode Randomness 

As I took that photo

Ceri said Snapshot.

As Hank said, 

This is not about How things Are

It is about Things happening 


My mother's basement is an apartment thirty miles away.

The noon becomes the day,

Becomes the afternoon, becomes the hay

That we used to fertilize the cows' drinking water.

Barbecue Wrap

I am wearing a bracelet of orange stones.
It means I love you please stay

   Is the name of the rock band who sold out to kill Dead Insects.

Arbitrary in Love
Arbitrarily in Love
Arbitrary and in Love 

Scenic scene of wastefulness

I am trying to create alternative cosmoses.

Refugee crisis

 I wish I would be like people I admire. I can just sleep and eat healthy food. I have no idea why I am this way.

Nothing lasts long, but that also means our whole lives, so things are difficult. I don't know how to do things... I guess

[1/8, 05:09] CTL Bub:

 Thank you for sharing with me.

[1/8, 05:10] CTL Bub: 

Are there any activities that tend to help you feel calmer or distract yourself from your thoughts when you feel this way?

[1/8, 05:11] Gregory Wredberg: Asmr and other youtubers. Just searfing the web, probably



An End.

P. S.

[1/8, 05:13] Gregory Wredberg: I should shower or bath first. And take a short walk.

[1/8, 05:13] CTL Bub: Those are also really good strategies

[1/8, 05:14] Gregory Wredberg: I don't know if I want anything. I want to know what I should do.

[1/8, 05:14] CTL Bub: Let's make a plan, how does that sound?

[1/8, 05:15] Gregory Wredberg: Good ideas


Please help. How should I go to sleep? And how to live? My guess is we are eternal. We should figure something out.

The Planet Planet in the Place of Space

 just talked with Susie, Laura. I don't know what to do. Thanks anyway. .. I feel kinda empty I guess. Kinda frozen and sad. I fear no one really knows anything. 

I eat a salad of green and red.

I eat raw animals. 

I walk to rivers and drink the best water ever.

I wake up in Every one.

They send me glad newses. 

They are the newest people on the Planet in Space.

They eat lava lizards. 

They take breath naps.

We heap groves on metal hills. 

We grab technologies and twist realities. 

We eat fake bodies. 

We grow life anew again for the last and third time.


You can now hope.

You are sweet and fun.

You eat live love.

You made all of it

Susie, on a text help line

 God be with you. You are the best. Thanks for being you, letting us be us, loving us. God bless.


I crashed around sunset and woke at midnight and drank coffee. I have no plans. I don't know what to do. 

God bless you.

Keep me

Take care


Thanks for Everything Susie. I don't know the biggest problem. I don't know why everyone who can help people directly, doesn't. I wonder why it is so difficult and people hurt each other and themselves.

It all hurts and confuses.

It is infinite 

And God 

and something 


I just talked with Susie, Laura. I don't know what to do. Thanks anyway. .. I feel kinda empty I guess. Kinda frozen and sad. I fear no one really knows anything. 

I eat a salad of green and red.

I eat raw animals. 

I walk to rivers and drink the best water ever.

I wake up in Every one.

They send me glad newses. 

They are the newest people on the Planet in Space.

They eat lava lizards. 

They take breath naps.

We heap groves on metal hills. 

We grab technologies and twist realities. 

We eat fake bodies. 

We grow life anew again for the last and third time.


You can now hope.

You are sweet and fun.

You eat live love.

You made all of it

Good Ideas


Why is life like this

We must

Be alive and painful and dead.

 We are bodies

Adams and thoughts.

- - - I do not know how to talk to

You.          - - - ! * this.


So we procreate babies burst out of people.

Blood and guts and broken bones and fucked up organs,


We use each other for immediate relief . . .

We are evil.

And we imagine almost anything

 is true.

We would like more doctors, nurses, Researchers scientists and infrastructure builders and coders computer

 you're engineers .

How do we control our minds lands and bodies


 I will take you

 Take care.

 The end.

 Crisis Text Line Logo

Please note that while you chat with us you must remain on the website. If you navigate away from the chat or go to another app your connection may be lost.

   ]    [

Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. We can’t receive msgs longer than 160 characters. Para ESPAÑOL escribe AYUDA.

Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo).

    ]   [

 What’s your crisis?


Hi. I am nervous. I haven't slept well this year. I just scheduled a call with integral care in Austin Texas, hoping to gtalk


Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone.


..alk with an inperson therapist,


I think I need medication to function in this world at the moment. I do not have enough self control.


Sorry about my disjointed message. I did not think The return button is also a Send.


Sorry that I think I need your help right now, I guess I am lonely or afraid, of myself or God or something,.. sorry. I hope whoever reads this is well.


Sorry if I say sorry too much and it bothers you. This is part of my problem with self control. I feel shame about almost everything. It is most difficult to be honest. I have never really opened up to nor fully connected with anyone. Maybe that's impossible, anyway.


Type your message here

Maybe what I say is not really true anyway. - 

sent at 240

Use this box to compose your message

Nikki. Hi... I thank You 4 talking. And thank you for anyone and everyone you ever help in any way, whether u eva know it or not


Type your message here

Use this box to compose your message

   0 2.   4.   8

The End


Asmr Eliza :

THE Lady Bird




We're seeing high volume right now. While waiting, some people find a breathing exercise helpful. Give it a try here: https://bit.ly/breath_ref. Text STOP to end this convo for now.


Please help. How should I go to sleep? And how to live? My guess is we are eternal. We should figure something out.



Tuesday, January 7, 2025

I, the Maid of Infinite Surprises

 I, the Maid of Infinite Surprises,

Do solemnly accept your marriage 

Through the toilet paper tube hole ,

Brown cardboard In the biggest waste dump on the planet Earth, 

Brazil, Younited State of America, am I 

Sorry?, table salt,

You, the Practical Smoocher,

Alone on Desert Islands with bamboo

and bamboozled baboons Wasting 

Bananas, TV Screen survivors, All

Wanted and ppreciated .

Safe town takes protective measures

And Headlines Music Scrunchies

This Little 5-Year-Old Says

Mucus of the brain,

Brian The End.

Hi, Hi.

 I have to make a song.

Question irrelevance?

Bloomberg is only seven quarters.

I got A song, cause my face was a quietly wrong person.

In boston massachusetts the retailer succumbs to the realtor.

In three twenty two at the time it happens, and I could good decide.

They all do question it, it supersedes one second.

As a creator the interesting cosmos of dialogue

Punishment for a shock of a car dealing dog

School let the air out of a possum's eyeball

These were the ones at the ballet it seemed

To be fun the Fall

I ask willingly

Proper conceptual consent


Indistinct appropriation

Forgive trusting solopsists

Rewriting engraved Shopping lists



 Thanks for asking questions. We need healthy livable conditions. We need tools and systems, infrastructure. We need to work and plan with each other to help people get healthier and live to our full potential. The end...

Probably No one can make me                                         happier ,

Dexbonus Brooke Throne


The End

Is talking to Anyone with or without a voice?

You are perfectly dry.

Want Be Do

 I want to live forever and I want to kill myselfe

Everyone is proof that consciousness is eternal.

I want to do nothing , be nothing , want nothing . gg

Is there a difference

I can save your life

I can make bread for a kid

I can grow an apple

I can build a bedroom

I can make your toes warm and comfortable

I can eat stars in the planets

I can sweat in my crack

I can blow bubbles on the window pane

I know a guy who loves my body because of jesus christ

I know god personally ; They are sitting in my guts

Ten thousand euro tree

Years old

You're so old.

I am believing

I am a trust machine

I am a liquidated economy of cherished beings

They all get what we want

the shape of sunny

Blooming Funny Shackle Meaning Coercive 

I wrote a book in a movie.

They built a shed and in it is the fine tool

Sweat water and leave the control

Pineapple Heart disease

Quiet winter left over death

One more is enough

Monday, January 6, 2025

Messenger preacher mother friend mouse page


Hello i'm still alone.

Cave my eyes from your fires

Hello i'm just a moan

In the time when I was filled with no desires.

I was a cold white tryangle on the pussy foot

The cold man takes his      [[texas]]       understanding too far

The stove is looking for a messenger bottle

He takes his rice hand and

Puts my holy God through hell

A Sunday morning Preacher gives my cremated mother a hand out.

Now my interested friend is opening his wonder mouth

A mouse takes his time and lands on the front page

Good night.

 epistemically  --   -      -  infinite. .  Black holes .   .    .      End o' Time.        .Relationship.

" Heh【: exactly. I'm just starting to think that everything, mostly relationships and trying to know ourselves, is puzzles for us designed by God. Love Glen 

- to Aaron. 

But I was too embarrassed to send it.

At almost midnight 

Why illogic?

God is my friend. 

Go Gone Goings 

I eat fishy friends.

The light decides comically 

Compression    Interventions

Fifteen letters

Seventeen Letters

I love You 

I love You 

And you .

. . .

The End 

That was a good song.

I was a show. tame The shrew with 2 bucks. They run through you like a .. tall bus .. Toll Booth man operating his own life in a trial-and-error Situation of comedy. push the button down on the stove Top ; it gets liquidated as a crop top mop top Duo of the South, American life. Give them a trial-free trophy for being your wife.  Stove pipes. Give all of our time to a lord's Giving children opportunities to live on the shores of , Eva Gemma , iwojima and Nantucket, Boston, Massachusetts, eating lobsters and cooking dry fish cakes for tourists leaving tips, 10,000 nickels on the bar. Kiss the lady who ask for more. gave her a stove. And ate all her  chores. Heard. I want to live with a Mexican band, every person who owns no land.  Have a party with the coal miner's Son .. (Omaha). Have a bucket of fun with the Sun. You know is. Eat all the children's money. And have a son with a woman or a guy have all the time in the world and live. Wish you were me and I wish I were you.  Coal Mining is fun for a minute or 2. Have you gotten your recipe Book filled out to submit to the local economy? Cool, cool post-African love I tried to begin again.  Listen and open my eyes. And the truth will caress a trojan-uary warrior, A Chinese life boat.  life preserver, Give us all the things that we order. Forecast the meaningful bit of your life.  To show us how we can hope again 

the end

Human Person Journal


I look around and wonder how humans did all this,

Factories, tools, corporations, years. 

They pull raw metals from mines in Earth.

Blacksmithing is far away from

Computers, skyscrapers, Google fiber, space stations 

. . . .

Layer of Christianity

 Emergency of other emergencies ,

Axiomatic misunderestimation

Talk to the end with a middle.

The sex eats like a mouth

Putting Stuff in .

How many people have you had sex with?

Me, 1.

I've had direct sexual experiences with 3 people. 

And indirect with 3 others.

 I've kissed 4 people.

Last year I hired a prostitute twice.

I texted her a lot. I said I think I really love you.

She said I don't think you know what love is.

I said she is correct.

We often ignore instincts.

Maybe we should.

Experiments of Time

          ( Give Me Bad 4 No Reason )

I shouldwatchJoePeraandTheRehearsal.
I have 2 or 3 cats, wood and fur    [1 and 4]
Placable apartment floor, fiber, bored
carpet _ Feeler.     She makes ivory coffing,
Hallelulah, hello, hi, i'm gone now, then bye.

I like how people think; they move
mouths and fingers, use tools, fake forget.
Talking to solve Purpose
Entertaining flooded feet puss, Blood in
       Toilet, Have a fact, imperfect eternaliTy.

Save our faces, we know not, silent
    innocence, blue stages
    African home body, Careful Wake
    Insane Prolific
 A cat shakes a heard of beasts
Interested internet of wild hope
Piss off science doo hicky challenge rope
Pine scenic drive south of taste Death
Range awful bananas ;; I tiredly tried folks' names on Dates ....

I look around and wonder how humans did all this,
Factories, tools, corporations, years. 
They pull raw metals from mines in Earth.
Blacksmithing is far away from
Computers, skyscrapers, Google fiber, space stations 
. . . .

Sunday, January 5, 2025

From a Past

 I saw blood and soft

Sunlight off

Safety in sight thinking mind thank you start

 I was sad because I was not he

Not me.

Sound that looks like you look at

Breaststroke through

 Ambiguous space

 Save the Kitchen.

Friend 1, friend 2

Mistakes convent - yellow pole

Run out, come back, 

Redact, finite Break, spin

Late, I imagine I am surfing 

On a line Scuba is Your velocity 

Intricate lathe positioning

But sand flights, 

Gregory resets a normal life 

Habitual stances, lying-

Shave shape interpersonal 

Connection Judgment 

- "

Bottom to Top

The bottom half of the body blew up.
How could they purvey irreconcilable hurt and
distant okayness?

Thank You, Star.

We invent the feeling of
ignoring the pain.
No one is quite as absent.

No legs, no sex, no bowels,
No problems -

Easy as a pie and cake fixing fingernail beds
To the red
Bottom of the lake bed,

A scratch draws a thin streak and droplet
With her cat
Spine lost, Forgiven nerves.

We sent taken gifts,
Squoze them in our fists,
Released options, hot gulp -

In us as sensory vehicle forms of doing us.
A party schooner acrobats larger bodies in,
Gone for Good, time told seamen spelled. ...

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Big Believer

 I'm a big believer,

In time I trust God will have spoken for me.

I watched some The Rehearsal.

I was amazed.

Present religion and parenthood

I don't know what to do.

Are you better off now than you were?
Are you still reaching for a cause for effect?
Sanities are like lightning bolts: they grow up when they don't support. 
Why are people this invested in material comfort?
Why are not people more invested in spiritual growth?

 Human:" not one.

I am an actual astronaut,

So I need a break from eating Kit Kats all day.

I am a slow burning angel,

Because I am real ready when I feel things.

I was a bear taking a lap;

Now I will find a shed to nap on.

 I am the same Bucket. 

Follow a climbing chair,

Because why am I showing you a Blunt object for most things?

Popsicle tribe, take the gun and shint.

I want a factor in the bottom of a shoe that fits the face of the religious icon making food for little women.

So the diet newspaper has the focal point,

In an icy age of flow states, Mister pope‐sicle drives a stack of children stories.

That wants to be the end,

Yes of course I do not want to be stupid.

People talk about me in the third person.

I talk about a girl and a woman and a highway and a House..

What happens at the trust of a bear

With simple collection Fonts.

         _ y _ _

Poems are good for some.

Are you bloody?
I watch a clock change, 03:33, 03:34.
Sex, sex, sex

Look up the son to the word
Bye to now.

Friend to the end

Friday, January 3, 2025

 I gotta write. I journal. 

My mom and I just watched episode 1 of Canal Boat Diaries.

I like it a lot. I am nervous about talking with Aaron tomorrow morning. At least we will be walking. 

I have been writing my board game idea, Kung Foo Trouble. 

It is dumb and almost nonsense,

Though not as much as magic : the gathering.

 I like my mom's house. My apartment is weird. It's a bit small. 

And I am debased. I debase myself.

I make little sense. I don't communicate well.

I have not slept well since staying up past midnight on the New Year.

I am looking forward to going to the beach, North Padre Island, next Friday. 

And going to Denmark, Sweden and Norway in four months. 

I am afraid of Aaron,

Maybe because I am afraid of God.

I should be the best version of myself. I don't know what that means.

I think I should probably marry a woman and adopt and foster children.

I should be exactly like Jesus the Christian...

Blogger.com and the desire to be like if you fight with you soon but I get distracted and I don't want it is almost lonely and I'm gonna eat it and see a big sun like that,  I should Help me out with Jen or something that will be as good for her to be a decent life as possible bests and then the first five years in the world is the existence of anything  outside, ♥️ .

The End

We also watched season 2 episode 1 of Somebody Somewhere. 

I love it


Eliza personality answers







No one












Chat , cat





A dog, medium, black white longhair, a guy taking it for walk on a golf course by a community college, rolls in grass.

I could kill and eat it. The dog seems fun or funny. I sit in my car watching it.


In South Eastern Australia, I am by a lagoon, a large waterfall and a river flowing into the ocean, huge plants and trees everywhere. You are beside me, wearing a small hide tunic. It is 22 degrees, partly cloudy, cool and warm breezes. I feel sleepy and blissful. I can barely move.

We walk on a path to the beach. It is hard dirt and clay. It is windy. It is clear. 

On the beach side is one of those rainbow bark trees. It is 100 feet tall and wide, 1,000 branches. It is the first day of spring. The leaves are the deepest green, We can still see the sky.

We are in a rowboat by the beach, calm clear water, little waves, smallish fishes. There are 2 oars in the boat, we use an 8 foot pole to move the boat. We are together. 

We relax, looking up and forward.

I imagine your bedroom door, white. It is a standard bedroom door with a knob, locks on the inside, no keyhole. I always want to go to wherever you are... I can see it behind you.



Best for all people. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

 She is my netflix subscription

Waking in dry clouds, Making up pieces of crumbling drifting juicy Cheeses

.. jesus.

At the end of the rope,

Quinine filled festivals of aging gusty Giraffe.



O stories

 Stories to Eat other Living things Baking the braised apple at 6AM on Tuesday  My pineapple suOn is a liquid nitrogen factory  that takes a...