Friday, January 10, 2025

Correct Predictions: 2050

  1.  Some human will write a sequel to a list of predictions. 
  2.  A girl will be born.
  3. The sun will be brighter. 
  4. For every eleven doctors, there will be more than one nurse.
  5. I will be dead, within 25 years. 
  6. More than one prediction will be correct. 
  7. One business will make more profit that last year.
  8. Three non-profits will survive more than one year. 
  9. There will be a new planet.
  10. There will be failed and successful space missions.
  11. Ten people will live more than 100 years in a row.
  12. Less burgers will be eaten.
  13. Less cows will be born.
  14. Someone under 3 will write a book.
The End

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