Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 Crisis Text Line Logo

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Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: We can’t receive msgs longer than 160 characters. Para ESPAÑOL escribe AYUDA.

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 What’s your crisis?


Hi. I am nervous. I haven't slept well this year. I just scheduled a call with integral care in Austin Texas, hoping to gtalk


Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone.


..alk with an inperson therapist,


I think I need medication to function in this world at the moment. I do not have enough self control.


Sorry about my disjointed message. I did not think The return button is also a Send.


Sorry that I think I need your help right now, I guess I am lonely or afraid, of myself or God or something,.. sorry. I hope whoever reads this is well.


Sorry if I say sorry too much and it bothers you. This is part of my problem with self control. I feel shame about almost everything. It is most difficult to be honest. I have never really opened up to nor fully connected with anyone. Maybe that's impossible, anyway.


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Maybe what I say is not really true anyway. - 

sent at 240

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Nikki. Hi... I thank You 4 talking. And thank you for anyone and everyone you ever help in any way, whether u eva know it or not


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The End

Asmr Eliza :

THE Lady Bird




We're seeing high volume right now. While waiting, some people find a breathing exercise helpful. Give it a try here: Text STOP to end this convo for now.


Please help. How should I go to sleep? And how to live? My guess is we are eternal. We should figure something out.



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