Friday, January 3, 2025

 I gotta write. I journal. 

My mom and I just watched episode 1 of Canal Boat Diaries.

I like it a lot. I am nervous about talking with Aaron tomorrow morning. At least we will be walking. 

I have been writing my board game idea, Kung Foo Trouble. 

It is dumb and almost nonsense,

Though not as much as magic : the gathering.

 I like my mom's house. My apartment is weird. It's a bit small. 

And I am debased. I debase myself.

I make little sense. I don't communicate well.

I have not slept well since staying up past midnight on the New Year.

I am looking forward to going to the beach, North Padre Island, next Friday. 

And going to Denmark, Sweden and Norway in four months. 

I am afraid of Aaron,

Maybe because I am afraid of God.

I should be the best version of myself. I don't know what that means.

I think I should probably marry a woman and adopt and foster children.

I should be exactly like Jesus the Christian... and the desire to be like if you fight with you soon but I get distracted and I don't want it is almost lonely and I'm gonna eat it and see a big sun like that,  I should Help me out with Jen or something that will be as good for her to be a decent life as possible bests and then the first five years in the world is the existence of anything  outside, ♥️ .

The End

We also watched season 2 episode 1 of Somebody Somewhere. 

I love it


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