Saturday, February 3, 2024

Pre fer

 [ voice a.i. mis under stood .

Hi and I just blew my note. And I just blew my nose in the sink. I was crying a lot. No, it's crying, just a little bit.

The main menu's clock was snapped. Sorry, the camera so close to my face. No, no, it's not it's real.  I had a lot of red wine today, I don't know what to do I just I don't know a lot of I've seen a lot of things and thoughts I don't know. I just wanna say something I meant in Austin Texas. I was born a few miles from here. My mother and father raised me. Then my stepfather, 30 miles Southeast of here and a 1/2 in the country and the country of the United States.  Of the Americas, mysteries are so cool.

Window, that's so nice anyway. I wanted to say. I wanted to confess sent. I don't know I guess because I've been drinking a lot of wine.  Said to myself you're so stupid or I'm so stupid. I don't know I said one of them for both of them. The I just said as lying in watching YouTube and stuff. I said you're so worthless. Yeah, that's your wife, sir, I'm worthless.  Maybe anyway, I don't know and I don't believe. It is true. Believe it is false

I don't know, just feeling feeling things that feeling other things. Feeling things feeling things that I don't know. Feeling things I don't know.  I don't know how to say them but I feel things. No matter what to do about feeling things or about thinking things I haven't seen them but I feel things I don't know what to do..s.s.g.g.t.r.s.g.t.o.o.s.l.I.m.t.o.w...w.w.s.g.w.t.s.t.s.g.s.g.s.n.t.g.g.g.g.g.g.t.esestesttetwttye.rrIrergthsshodIdetgdtIhomfeIndumrdurfsot.eeftgnewtsoyod.mmmggggggatwsmsmsmssssss.g.f.t.yyeyfd.m.eeeoeeeaortt 

Type, I don't know feeling things I don't know. I don't know how to say them but I feel things and I don't know what to do about feelings or about thinking things what am I gonna do. I'm thinking I'm feeling what am I doing. I don't know what should I do I watched the prison ministry orthodox Christianity video.  I forgot the guy's name. I think it's less name. Starts with p is from the protecting veil. The video published on at 2 PM on February 2nd 2024. A. D protecting veil on YouTube about prison ministry. And I wanted to write someone in prison.  And maybe have a lifelong, really relationship and change someone's life for the better. While they change my life for better. It's okay, and it's all fun. Good nice and everything and volunteer and die so fulfill and lonely Within God's love, that's how it happens.  I was thinking of the sun. Why control? Yeah, yeah, and I looked for cover versions and listened to some. The beginning of 2 coversit looks okay, I just love that song so I think trilling true guitar.  Sweet, Sunday almost perfect almost what else to do I thought there was something.

First choice is to actually write a journal.  Long hands with a enter peninsuland then I like to type a journal or autobiography of my entire memory both of my life. And things I think about every day every day. Also I like to.  But also at the same time I wouldn't really like there to be a like a 2 hour movie documentary about me and my thought. Send words and my everyday existence and the totalitarian the meaning.  The meaning in the

Results of my the actuality of my existence, the effect The reality of whatever I do in the world. And whatever comes from whatever is me out into the rest of a real existence reality. Unconsciously whatever whatever I interact with and whatever choices, and whatever meaning, I bring and and whatever meaning is proudinto or through me. By the rest of the world and other people, especially.  God, Jesus, the holy ghost. That's what I want to believe. And that's what I do believe so I don't know I've done so quite. I was gonna take marijuana or KH CC BD gummy. 

But actually, I want to finish this coffee coffee with.  Almond joy Kramer to say coconuabsolutely and cream. And sugar, uh, oh God. I want to take a walk so f****** bad. I um, I texted Anna anna Harper. I don't know what her middle name is. I don't know if I asked her. I shouldn't have wait a minute. Oh God, I wanna take a walk so f****** bad. I um I texted and Harper I wonder what's her middle name is I don't know if I asked her. I shouldn't have, why didn't? I can't believe we only talked to this recent. We talked on the phone at least 4545 times probably 5. At least 5 times we talked on the phone. We had phone sex because I aint brought that up. Because I asked if she wanted to come into my Apartment and then she was really drunk. She's alcoholic like me. But she drinks a lot of vodka almost every.  Dad seemed like a s***Out of podcast and ask if I wanted to f***I was really surprised I've never had a sex with anyone. Sir, b*** j** a couple times. I think good, A person

So I was really scared and surprised and excited. And we had fun sex on November 2nd. No, it's fed Brewer wasteand drinking some more coffee. The sun is setting. It's been really great. I love it's beautiful and it's so cloudy and Gray skies. People think grace activist, oh and.  Is the Texas and so I get tired of hot sunny. There is a blue skies so I guess. I'm over half the days sunny and warm. 

Whatever even on a cloudy day, Tim, and I heard that song Wednesday going to work with Jessie and Ed.  Evan and I didn't really do anything for 2 hours or 3 hours. We're gonna just waited and all Evan evan was doing a lot of the deconstruction. The construction of demolition of a Melissa and I and I just grabbed it whenever he pulled it off the house and I just took it and set it The construction better and I just grabbed it whenever he pulled it off the house and I just took it, set it. Drop in or walk down the ladder with it so I got paid. I got $70 for 3 and a 1/2 hours of mostly just waiting for my brother. Kim and his old boss Jessie. Thinking about this a little construction project for this opera. Rich oil guy living in the middle. Don't love West.  Austin, just everything mix. No, it's too anyone I know or I love everyone. Anything anyway Turn off. Oh my God, I'm so anxious that sky is getting dark. The outdoors are dark darker darker. 

What should I do if I think what should I say to you? What are you? Who can you think about to be? What should I do I wanna confess to father David?  At saint Elias orthodox church, Austin, Texas United States of America. It's January 2024 AD everyone's cutting the teeth out of my mouth.

No, like no, now let's think about this.  Is now let's try to die sooner than later. It's like something that people don't say but sounds like sounds like something Take a f****** walk in the park. I am so ready to live forever. Good Night, Miami. I love your baby now let's all go party with someone else tomorrow.

[ Hi goodbye ]


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Poetry is ghostly and tired of health.

You are all I want to think of. Snow washes the dove's back. The name brand snack chip, I am broke out of love. I thought I asked polite...