Saturday, December 14, 2024

 I feel like I am absolutely explodin -


Greedy ENTS

I will start watching the fig grim making out

I make out with Fay Grim and Bebe

I am hell hardly and henry full

Hal hartley


I am using the voice to text so it's ... funny [:

I said I " started watching ", but it says I "will start " up there...

The making of

I was texting with Aaron :

Wow.. They are always revealing in the flow of connections and insights. Is there 1 insight that the rest come from? 

Diamonds and Fangs

        The History of Cheer and Leading


 This is about america

The land , the people

I saw an interesting video of a guy explaining the colonial origin of palestine

But I think he missed part of the solidarity and the identification with history and place

He missed Israel's cruelty , The corruption of the West and its exploitation of the rest

I like how he gave agency to the people living on this ancient civilized land.

This is about the difficulties of growing up

And the horror and the exuberant define transcendence

The compelling allure

The awesomeness

Being a human at the turn of the twenty first century

The technologies , the vapidness and rapidness

The way people forget and let themselves float, drift or drown.

The way people are expressions of God's love no matter what happens.

There is an order and a blueprint. The Trinity has written and will always be writing the most beautiful, comprehensive and inclusive story possible.

We are specific and a focused attempt

We use each other and we abuse what can be abused

We waste time and we make up time

We have control and we make everything better

We stub our toes , we take too big of a risk and fall and must convalesce , and our minds will heal each other .

We make artwork that reveals a mystery within us and without us.

We work on our thoughts and talk to each other to build a community of Minds that live , the same as our biologies Put together things and Buildings and places to gather and share things , like books and meals and song.

They are high schoolers 

 they have music

They are wizards

  They make games

They are actors

They have sex and tears and laughter

We are parents

We are children

We are farmers

We all eat and kill

We Write a stories With our actions and our openness

The vulnerability lets God in and out

We trust each other

We love each other

How can we go to thedge of eternity ?

How is it to meet god eternallee?

That's good for now.

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