Friday, February 21, 2025

O stories

 Stories to Eat other Living things Baking the braised apple at 6AM on Tuesday

 My pineapple suOn is a liquid nitrogen factory

 that takes all day to leave and return His mother's forecasted exception expectation

So very possibly written on the sideways train car Anxious state However  many , However however many Taxonomical journeys Figure out who is How The  richer the meaningful Resist resistanceOf

Scopes of blood and monkey hair vagina Complex capital societies Dream up the stolen bell tower on the Skyscraper , ingenious Guilful Read redesignPolyp Estuary

Soak the apple in vinegar Play the time Sophomore Supper Sully Soporific sincerity Left left left Behind and open car The sun for 1 year. Adverb

The End

On Sunday the Spine of the Woman

Monday, February 17, 2025

  factories surrounded by trees

Farms surrounded by trees

Armies who govern themselves

Prisons where people learn skills and intrinsic values of human lives

A row of houses

Soup shop

Butcher shop

Fabric shop

Machine shop





A park , a park , a park

Administrative offices

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

 Why are people so different? Why do we think different things?

 put humans in homes, clothes, eating well, good life work....

 When I think about a "quote attractive woman unquote"

Like Stevie wynne levine, I wonder how some can be so desirable 


I am attracted to maybe half of all women who are close enough to my age, maybe 25 to 45.

The way they present themselves is almost perfect

Or I think they are.

Like gillian jacobs or Michelle williams 

What is it like to be like some people like that

What is being Jennifer Hudson?

What is vain or humble? What are pride, self-awareness, practicality and ascension .. and transcendence?

What is a TV person?

How do people make porn or internet content?

How do  skincare, makeup, healthy habbits and healthcare  work?

Where does my energy come from?

Where does it go, What do I do?

I must fix everything. First myself 

My brain and habits

My face and personality 

I don't know how

People do many things 

I love people 

We are star babies

Nice to know you....

Also how are people like Doctors and Nurses

Taking years

To focus

And memorize almost everything We need to know to help human health.

 Homeopathetic shaman

 Eating weeds

 Clean between the teeth

 Robust heart

Cancel the mind blind computer session

Blowing through every trial,  I'll 

B not ill 

Blurred blood is mood mud n sunny sun , blooming Bible

O stories

 Stories to Eat other Living things Baking the braised apple at 6AM on Tuesday  My pineapple suOn is a liquid nitrogen factory  that takes a...