My God is my God my God is my God
God god God
Where did I go? Where am I now?
There He is, Jesus Christ.
You are a great person and a cool dad.
We must abide by the rules or die without sufficient knowledge to live forever.
Update, 1, 10, 2024: this blog is mostly my prayers to Trinity. ---- Original description: i want to post a least once a month, just a little diary, keep track of my self. I thank you, bye now. { :
My God is my God my God is my God
God god God
Where did I go? Where am I now?
There He is, Jesus Christ.
You are a great person and a cool dad.
We must abide by the rules or die without sufficient knowledge to live forever.
Shut up and dance with me. Is the title of this thing? I am walking around my mom's house. It's just after 6 AM. And the Sun will come up in a little bit. And I wish I could travel the world. I wanna live in Townsville, Australia for a little while. I am hiding on the South side of my mom's house, walking on the paving stones? If that's what they're called. the Stone Path the pathway, the walkway. I don't know what to call the squares. Bricks of red rocks. And I think I want a million dollars because, I could do whatever I wanted to do, if I could pay for whatever I wanted to do. If I if I didn't have to work for to pay rent, if I could live for free kind of. .. good , have all the food and shelter and comforts and amenities that I wish for. And then I can have an infinite free time Almost. And I would travel the world and probably buy a prostitute or 2. Or would try to be more intimate with the prostitute I had sex with twice in February this year. Her name is Billy. It's the name she gave herself, I think. maybe someone else gave it to her and she liked it and kept it, but she's from somewhere near Toledo Ohio. And I fell in love with her after I hired her, she just seemed so nice. She was 25 years old and in July she turned 26 years old. In about a month, on December 18th, I will turn 35 years old, which is so cool. I feel like I'm about halfway through my life, which makes me feel pretty old, which I like. I kind of want to be a weird old man, and I want to be with attractive women who find me attractive or just 1 womon would be nice.
and it's pretty cold out Here. My right hand got really cold holding the cell phone to talk into this microphone making this video? So what else did I wanted to say? I don't think I need a million dollars to do whatever I want to do, but if I had .. so I'd like to keep my apartment, my expenses, what, how much money do I need? To just live the life I want to Live. I guess maybe $2000 a month would cover almost everything, basic necessities, like housing and food and transportation, and then so add-on to that like travel expenses, Very expensive hotels. I probably could spend a lot of money, so just liberally 50,000 a month, I guess minimum. So after 10 months That would be 500,000, so +10 000, so in 2 more months so. Is 650 000, so it's just a 700,000 a year? So yeah, a million isn't far off, I guess.
but if I just, instead of 700000 a year,
[ ? Like a 100 wife first ? ]
maybe I just get A lump sum of a million dollars. Then I guess I'd be set for life if I could dis like, I don't know, invest 500000 and live off of that and then the first year I can. I'll spend most of the 500,000 traveling n stuff and then my money will make money. I can just live in hotels and Do whatever I want to do
oh my God, I'm shivering. Yeah, what would I do now? Oh really? What I want to do is learn Spanish and Chinese and piano, learn to play the piano and speak and read and write Mexican Spanish mostly. Mexican Spanish and then every kind of Chinese read and write and speak Chinese Mandarin mostly. Okay. This is a long enough.
and oh yeah, I was drinking Moscow mule. yeah I did that Yesterday as well. I woke up at like 3 AM. And drank a Moscow mule, Not a teal 1, a cayman Jack in the can. Anyway, I hope mom. 's okay. I hope she doesn't worry about me. I really want my mom to die so that I can just sleep, live and hang out at this house and I don't know about Hank. I thought I wanted to kill and eat our dog Hank because he's annoying Most of the time, and it's not worth it, I mean. Of course, I like animals. I don't want to say I love animals, because I don't know. Love is such a wholly holy, divine word, and like Jesus said to love each other, and I agree with him. And I don't want to put animals, Other animals on the same... I mean humans are not just animals, assuming that humans are people... Are animals people, are trees people? No.
God is 3 people or 3 persons. I don't know how to say, one God, 3 people, it's cool. separate but equal identities, personalities that are undividable. It's hard to say, 3 is 1 and 1 is 30. But anyway, so people are people. And humans are people and animals or they're not entirely animal. But Jesus was entirely human and entirely God. I don't know about the word entirely, but it sounds good enough. fully is a better word.
Anyway, so I love everyone and everything Will work out.
Good night? I love you?
bye by
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