Friday, August 18, 2023

Getting a Plasma Donation physical examination,

Why You Ask.

 Things have been difficult lately, and I have been hard.

I am belligerent and beleaguered. I don't know what words to use ,; I don't understand

I live At one twelve three pleasant valley street

My name is Michael jackson. I want to die with my mother at my bed side.

I don't know what life is. I don't know what difficult is I don't know.  I don't know what people are. I don't know what words are.

I don't know what understanding is 

The End

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Diary Journal

I like to live

as an intergalactic wild-animal,

but still as every any ordinary situation

or activity,

an apartment - a cellular telephone - a car - streets - highways - weather

Most People don't know :

I am an alcoholic nudist

Forcing more context: I am not working right now, Because my brother tim has not booked any construction gigs.

"Forcing " equals 'for some '

I feel I am on vacation now.

Let's end [that's and] --- in a couple of weeks, I do go to port aransas Corpus christi white cap bitch [sic:beach] with my mother 4[for] 4 days.

Dean thank you bye bye

Dean equals the end.............



Monday, August 14, 2023


 I just watched really videos.

a christmas sock with the house and trees and things.

I rolled up a christmas sock with the house and trees and things and stuffed it in a really old gardening glove in my closet in my hamper.

Before that, I took a coffee filter with used grounds out of the trash can and put it back in the coffee maker and brewt another cup.

The end for today.

I hired dazzling cleaners again, and [a democratic canvasser just called]

Patrick, an older black man is coming at noon to clean my apt. The appointment is 3 hours, but he'll probably be done in 1.

I really liked the woman who came the 1st time, Mona, the website said, but she said Kay.

It was free, a promotion. This time, today, it's like 90 United States dollars. 

The End

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Hi sorry I forgot to journal I guess

 So I am dictating this journal on my phone. It has been very, very weird - possibly starting to cry. Because I can't believe how weird I really have become.

I was gonna say possibly the weirdest I have ever been

I don't know what is really good and what I can really be - if I can be myself. What do I do? How can I be good?

Yes so here are the specifics. I have been watching disturbing porn videos.

Obviously that is not rare or surprising

But I do surprise myself I think. But I drank a lot, a lot of red wine. I drank a whole box. .. In two days.

Yeah, I've been extremely horny to the point where it started to hurt. Just in my entire body, and I'm keep waking up at night. Or not going to sleep. Because I am so addicted to p***.

I am pretty sleep deprived, it's eleven ten.

I have the next eleven days off and maybe more if tim doesn't get any jobs for us.

That is kind of scary but also really wonderful for me in a way because I feel like I can do anything I want to and that is exciting. I will go to my mother's house on friday morning and spent friday night there.

We will see open hymer at two p m on saturday.

I'll go back to my apartment saturday night.. Sunday morning, I will go to saint elias's liturgy with my two best friends and hopefully their son.


Now, I'm going to not really think about what I'm saying. I'm just looking afraid you're right and I don't really care. If the microphone are the computer application recognizes all my words. Now I am just wanting to sort of explode or vent or word vomit and get this out of me. I drank too much coffee this afternoon and I felt like I might vomit.

So doing a pretty good job. I don't know what I'm saying really. I think I need to go to the bathroom. My pants are around my ankles. Not feeling that well but I feel pretty much OKI don't have anything planned tomorrow so that's pretty nice..

I am now sitting on my toilet and thinking about going outside. But I don't really want to. I should really go to sleep for at least eight hours so that would be about seven thirty a m tomorro.

My tummy is rumbling. I ate too much today after work. We were done before three and my car battery was dead. Because I left my keys in the ignition. tim jump started me with my cables.

I had a lot of cholula as well.

This job was one of my favorite jobs though. it was really simple and quick and I felt really strange and but I got it mostly done well enough.

I was payd three hundred and forty dollars today by tim.

Maybe I have nothing else to say so. I've been writing a lot and I need to sleep. I hope I have some cool dreams.

The end

Your loving gregory

Poetry is ghostly and tired of health.

You are all I want to think of. Snow washes the dove's back. The name brand snack chip, I am broke out of love. I thought I asked polite...