Tuesday, January 10, 2023

 It's 3:51 a.m. I just put on my Spotify liked and I hear Walking by The Dodos. I love it. For right now.

Hm... Fade into You just began. It reminds me of Andee , , , ,

I am not sure what those commas mean,

I wrote 3 haikus a couple hours ago. I love how much Andee loves Twin Peaks [: a smiling face

I guess maybe I cannot stop

Things and people feel and seem eternal

and I love God, love them all. That Bill Hicks title is awesome, Love All the People

Yes, very Jesus-y

Hard for me to write paragraphs. My mind is claustrophobic.

My mom and I saw The Whale yesterday. We are glad we saw it but don't want to see it again. It's a bit intense, gross and sad.

I liked the non-fat characters usually. and I like Charlie except his fat and food.

The Moby-Dickness is great. "This book made me think about my own life." The bible and God parts are good.

I am very looking forward to Showing Up. It is a joy to see Michelle Williams.

It is 4:01.

I am drinking coffee I made just before beginning to type this post.

The next song is: Water by Kanye West. ... I should skip it. Bye

Ha, Aunt Eggma Blowtorch is so weird [:

What else can we do?


and Beauty of Course.

I want to type a sentence for each English letter.

Aplles are good for certain gravies, maybe believe me in upstate New Yourk.

Believe me when I tell you the truth, please.

Certainty comes after death, riding lil lawn hourses around the dawn.

[ holy shit , You Can Have It All by Yo La Tengo is on. It's so nice. ]

Demon Slayer is an anime that I never watched but maybe I will, if I ever want to.

Early birds are special, I could be God, suns rise, They are Denny's Parking Lot by Interstate Highway 35 Austin

Forest lawn is a cemetery or I prefer a graveyard, sleep on the grass all night, put up a swing set bury our grand parents and grand children. Put your feet up, now 

[ aha [: I Found the F is on ]

Geez this alfabet thing is taking long. Because I am doing more than a sentence each.

Here I now hear Let's Move to the Country.

In media res is a phrase whose meaning I forget. Res is thing I think or something.

Joke salad makes my orgasm 20 hours, One for all my life, I did my maths and rest my body on a cold blanket in England Her skin jaas never been whiter....

Kill Judy Dench to make me Dame.

Look at really poor folk.

Manhandle livestock, making love at wood stock.

New York is bloody like a slaughterhouse, gold and frozen, all Time and Eternity.

Open season frost bite, all our toes and fingers are Gone i guess, pee and poop, bags or outside !

Purple leaves fight to leave trees.

Read a book whose title you don't understand.

Stab a brother.

Test the strip mall.

Under a bridge or overpass, selling needles or speed or CDs or portable CD players, almost everything can be portable, batteries and spongy headphones... I remember Decades and I like my life.

Vaunt the freedom to desire . . . . [:

Walk on water, my lovely bug friend.

X-cite bein's and beans, float flatulence.

York is a city I walked on.

Zima is a drink I would drink again

[-: The End

Thursday, January 5, 2023

6-1-2,023 ~1 a.m.

     Going to sleep is hard. I want to confess.

Writing seems the best thing for me. I drank too

much Knob Creek Rye. It's 53 dollars, on my 

Discover. I told myself I wouldn't drink or porn in

this apartment. I have a lot tho.

   Writing is physically difficult. I sit on my

bed's foot. But now I'm at a desk, hunched.

I'll stop at the bottom of this page. I watched

Sierra and Victoria sit in a bath in underwear.

My left elbow is on this page. My right hand is

tired. I want to type this. I watched Pewdiepie's

Japan vlogs, kind of inspiring. He is so buff.

I'm very gassy, I eat a lot of beans [plus the whiskey]. Tomorrow I

eat at Hopdoddy w/ my mom and aunt. Then Cosco,

for my ma. I will drink rye about an hour before

my ma gets here: I'm nervous about sitting with

Jan. Questions. Question? I did every thing, almost.

                                     !   ♡   

Poetry is ghostly and tired of health.

You are all I want to think of. Snow washes the dove's back. The name brand snack chip, I am broke out of love. I thought I asked polite...