Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

. . . dairy

       Cool Dreams of Euripides

     Nacho Cheese at Applebee's

My other and I just got home from HEB.

She got stuff for our trip to Corpus Cristi.

I just opened a bottle of Simple Life pinot noir and put a champagne glass next to it.

It is so important

to let it breathe . . .

That is from A Simple Man. I just made the connection to Simple Life.

I just been listening to a few songs from my Starred on Spotify.

I just had a few sips of wine.

It is 14:57.

We are making pork chops and potatoes and salads in 2 to 3 hours.

It is 15:00

I don't know what I wanna do.

I watched all but 10 or so minutes of the latest Ear Biscuits, Our Keys to 18+ Years of Marriage.

I like them a lot.

I'm gonna watch youtube. H3 podcast.

I like Gus Johnson.

I just finished a glass of wine.

It is 15:09. It is 15:10.

It's 15:19

I listened to Sanddollars by WHY?

I looked at some words of From Dawn to Decadence, made some pen marks in it.

I looked at facebook, Tim Braun's dog Dusty died.

It makes me kind of happy.

Here COmes the Night TIme  -   Arcade    Fire

I like   it.      good .

We saw the last eps pf Chernobyl last eve.

It is    okay.    Nice  fine.

3 full days till we go to the beach.

Saturday, I volunteer at the library from 10 to 12

the to Pat's Games, meet Pat and Kit, play Magic

      Broke    -   Modest    Mouse

I    fcuk    in    Love    thsi    snog   .    .    .

some   things    that   I    want    to     regret

broke the count  so   I  broke  a  sweat

broke   a   promise  cause   my car broke down

such a classic excuse it should be broke by now

    {  :

   ha  ,   now   it's  Lives - Modest Mouse

it is 15 : 36

Mozzarella    Swasticas - Adam Green

I just poured almost all of the rest of the Emmet's irish cream into the champagne glass

My is lying on her bed . . . the TV is off

I drank almost all of the big bottle of emmet's in 2 or 3 days.

it's   15  :  39


     Visiting    Statue   -   Grimes

it is      beautitful

   .  .    .     .

I am probably about half drunk

  ha ,  Trying  -  The  Frames    {   :      perfect

I been   Standing at my desk,

I have my left foot on my desk

This morning after Yoga - Core

and during, after breakfasts

mom and i watched Rick Steves, Northwest Endgland

{:  ha,,,,   End

i liked it

Black Pool

Lake    District

whate   everings

I drank all the emmet's in my glass


styrofoam boots -  modest mouse

why is it playing so much M. M.

it's   15   :   48


i'm sitting

walcott   -    vampire   weekend

inn  ocent

every   one     is      young

maybe   i will watch listen to  dodger   dexbonus   brooke  thorne

just  chatting


saturdat  morning

The Wood Will Be a Wake Tonight   -  McCarthy  Trenching

I just added to my Funeral youtube playlist.

it's 16   :   08

okay,,   talk to you  later  ,  babies 

love you

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life

page 68

   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   -

         Goods - Mates of State


Ha . . . I just learned what Satiety / Satiate mean

by looking it up in a dictionary.

    How   Appropriate

The Weather Song - Ought

Mother was talking about our trip to Corpus Christi in 6 days

I am lookin' forward to it

Doing   Almost   Nothing

Almost   No    Responsibilities

A couple hours ago, in the car, we heard   Around  Again  -  Ought

                              I  am taking From D to D. to the beach..... house




{Purpose   {

    Purple   Feeling   Star   Sky




Wood    S    Olid     Birk   Burk

New  Pollution   -   beck

Kit   and   Lorena

are  okay


They   Are   good . . .    nice   enough  .... good enough,   For   who   They  Are





Pardon Me - The Blow

I have to read now.

Or I could write

Or watch

And   Be 

Okay .

Ha ,  Mmkit - Octopus Project

I want to sit now .

I am sitting now .

A l m o s t   o n e   h o u r

16 : 11

    All     Right

    The End

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Notes : From Dawn to Decadence , The "Artist" Is Born



p. 66
                             Theorists + Practicioners :  Leone Battista Alberti

Michelangelo , Maderno , bernini  . .

"The West"

Already has Fallen

 " Descended "  into  Decadence

We are  merely   rearranging   facts   on  the   Floor  of   Human   History . . .

This is our Axial Age

We make a turn

Better or   Worse

Okay   ,    Maybe   .

I just drank Hlaf a bot o Chard   -  Problem

I just began to listen to Helado Negro

Album  :    This    Is    How    You     Smile


I tesxted Alex Ramirez  ,  "   Heard [ . . . . . ] "

I  Got ta  sign up   for  the Las  Vegas  Magic  Frest . . .

100 dollars.  Oh well ,  I got  a credit card . . .

Cap Uno .

I listened to Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow

 D I F F I C U L T Y

I just "sined"
 Up  and texted Kit and Pat . .

Listening to Running by Helado Negro

 . . .    .   Nice

I  hope  very  soon

I stop

Doing dumb stuff : Like Pizza , Alcohol , Inter Netties "  . .  Et Cet

Dishes . . . Sink . . .  Waste . .  Bad-ing  Body / ies

then Thinking words like :

I am going to kill myself

I am going to kill Every One

<3 br="">i am the best person I ever met
<3 br="">
<3 br="">I am the Only Person  I ever  met . . .

DO'nt care

DO es n't  Matter

I love everyone, I cum One Billion TImes in a row ,



Person  [ [ [ [  Females Under ~ 50  ] ] ]

I am So Extremely Tired of my Crap Mind .

It   [ I ]   feels   [ feel ]    Wierder every day .   <  H e r

H   e  r  s



b . . . . .



The End

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hi, how are you?

It's been a nice time.

I drank too much.

I feel fine.

Sunday was wonderful, with Aaron and Andee.

We drove to UT, to Half Price Books.

We talked, helped one another.

I been listening to Nujabes and related on Youtube.

I'm still using Facebook, embarrassingly.

I sang and typed something I like a bit on my other blog.

I listened to Bill Callahan and the album Here Comes the Cowboy today.

It's nice.

I just bought 2 Megamillions tickets, $6.

I been burning a candle and incense.

I am at the dining table.

My mom will be home in few hours I think. She went to see Booksmart with relatives.

Nujabes makes me want to learn piano a lot more.

I told Aaron that I pretty much forgot about learning to play piano.

Nakamura - Lamp ft. Nujabes

- - -    It has been a few hours I guess.

I am listening to What the Brokenhearted Do - Tim Heidecker.


I heard When I Get Up a few months ago.

I like . . . . .

I am drinking more . . . I am sorry . . . mostly to myself. But still I like . . . it makes     easy . . 

f u n . . .

Jesus Fucking Jesus


A Biutiful  I  Mage.


What  Would   Happen

I was just thikning

I llove   the i n ternet


i drink too mush

body, brain, mind, soul, me

From     Dawn    to      Decadence

is on this table beside     me .

Read   it.

Be good


U Die .

I am  Really  Looking forward to Doing something soon

like the Carseat Headrest Song.

Some One  Help.  I am okay

But  . . . I accidentally did Italics ,  And I like it   [ .

Saturday, June 8, 2019


My mom just got home. She took Sofie to a ballet class.

It is 14:52.

I drank a little and coffee and chai latte k cup.

I looked at Amy Hyink's instagram, because it is saved on my browser.

She is one of my favourite people. I wish we were friends.

I have been listening to Bill Callahan. I listened to Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest and texted Aaron and Alex about it.

I love him... them.

My mom and I are planning to eat at a restaurant tonight, this eve, a few hours.

it is 15

I got to pee again . . .

I been listening to     Rough  Travel   for  a   Rare  Thing .

I was screwing on deck boards last week or so. I was uncomfortable, waves of aching back, pain twinge, sorry feeling.

I thought that life keeps getting harder and better. I appreciate the difficulty and suffering more and more. I feel myself getting a little better.

I bought 2 Powerball tickets at Lake Line today, $6.

I wish I spent less on lottery tickets. It is embarrassing. I got addicted or some such nonsense. The idea of doing whatever I want, all resources for me, Time, Less Obligation, More Optionssss.

I read about a page of From Dawn to Decadence. I am proud. Do more. Read, love, learn.

I am going to Austin with Aaron and Andee tomorrow. Nice or I am me. Well, we'll see. What what to do to do . . . okay,  or just okay . . . .    .

I thought I wanted to go to Jasmine's Thai cafe ,  but I want to go to Saigon Garden today . . .

We will.

Mom just shaved my head, except the long top.

I just shaved parts of my face.








Sycamore - Bill Callahan

I assume I will go back to the same job with Jesse and Tim on Monday, maybe finish it.

I will text Jesse or reply if he texts first.

He will pay me on Venmo today, if he has not already.

900 or 1000 $

hours or days

I wanted to live alone in a different city for a while

I want to Try     Myself

Life  Like   Many    Other   Good    Strong   People

Like  We   Can

Do   a   Best

to overcome

to perfect


by bye

i love y'all

fo eva

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The album cover of In League with Dragons    is    epic   as .

I was going to post it to facebook ,  but  did  not  work  out

i like the songs a lot

Facebook   is   very   annoying   often

I   am   more annoyed by myself   for  wanting to share so much  Stuff  ,  thinking  I  will   mean  anything   important   to  anyone  else . . .

i dunno ,  something like that, I want to stop using facebook again, and stop thinking about it,

stop filtering things and life thru internet

I just heard of  Yum Yum and Dragon  by  Flaming Lips

very  weird ,  or they want me to think . . . ha [ :  yes

Now Holly Herndon is Truly weird , the sounds , music , crazy , wild

                         " Frontier "

My mom and I watched 2nd half of  My Brilliant Career  last eve.

It is  really   nice.

I wonder why I want to put all these spaces between words

I have some  annoying   form   of  claustro phobia

it invades every facet of my thought

even huge valleys  feel  trapped   if  mountains  surround

it sucks

i listened to Kishi Bashi two days ago

very  nice

We are about to go Groceries , 1832 market and HEB

it is good

maybe   it   is   my   3  to   5    second   attention  span

Does   Me     In


we gotta  bring  Emerson   in

He just Peed  lying   down   on  edge   of  Patio







Near Ness



Poetry is ghostly and tired of health.

You are all I want to think of. Snow washes the dove's back. The name brand snack chip, I am broke out of love. I thought I asked polite...