Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hi. I had more than a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, from New Zealand, Monkey Bay, in the past 30 minutes.

I've another glass on my desk here.

I'm listening to Ear Biscuits, about 20 minutes in, "How Do We Party?" I like it...

I feel happy. I poured some more wine a few minutes ago, and I smiled widely.

It's 3:30 p.m.

My mom and I went to HEB a couple hours ago. 200 dollars. A lot of bad food.

We ate Auntie Anne's frozen pretzel dogs when we got home. They tasted pretty good.

Oh yeah... I love Stevie Wynne Levine. And Rhett and Link to lesser degree, no fault of their own... or whatever.

I should be reading... Either *From Dawn to Decadence* or *Grace and Freedom: Operative Grace in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas*.

Mom and I just put up chili pepper lights above the back deck. It seems pretty. I look forward to seeing them at night.

We will eat pork tamales with chili with beans in a couple hours.

I am eating Gardetto's.

Last night I worked at a security position at the Frank Erwin Center, next to a basketball court, as Texas and Kansas played. People were too loud. I felt weird most of the time.

I'm working on Monday, in 5 days.

Saturday, my nephew and niece are staying the night with my mom and I.

I don't know about tomorrow. Friday, my mom is going to the diabetes doctor.

I want to drink more wine now.

Bye. I hope you are well.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Doing this will make me a better person.

Not for or by the product, but for and by the process.

Calmer. Saner. More Rational, Thoughtful, Relatable.

I just poo-ed. It was fine. I want to get in the hot tub in few minutes. Maybe I should shower before I go to Andee's. I'm taking her to the farmer's market. My mom is coming too. [She didn't go: she's getting ready to go to a a play with Jan. Malakai went with us.] Aaron asked if I would a few days ago. He's visiting Bill in Austin. [He was still at the house, and we talked a few minutes, then he left.]

I woke up early and had trouble sleeping. I was and am nervous about talking to Andee. I cried a bit and listened to Sleep with Me, Las Vegas with Ray.

My mom and I were in/on/at South Padre Island Monday thru Thursday. It was nice.

Last night we went to Tim's and Chelsea's and ate with them and kids at Tres Amigos . . . It was semi-okay.

Hah {: I'm listening to Las Vegas with Ray some more, and he just said "Be-lo and hold." He is so good. Pure. Wholesome.

I was thinking about a song by Dan Harmon about soap in Cody's ass, and they seemed/seem so wholesome... honest... loving. Or something... It's fun... I guess.

Taking Andee and Kai to the market went really well. It very nice talking with Andee.

We bot baby bok choi, brokkoli and beef.

I said I would get tangerines but forgot, then I said I would go back, but I decided not to.

This blog is fun for me [-:

Mom is leaving in a bit less than an hour. She'll be gone about 6 hours. I wonder what I will do. I think I want to eat Ramen in a bit. I will probably want to watch GMM or Ear Biscuits. I still really like Rhett and Link. Maybe I will watch Dodger chat or game.

I almost forgot that my main goal is to finish reading some books... ahh...

I read a few pages of From Dawn to Decadence at Padre. It is really good. I hope to read more than a few pages today. I plan to read more. I will point my eyes at the words, reading them in order, understanding ideas and intentions and facts, for one minute, then stop and think a few seconds, then keep reading, from about 12:00 to about 13:00. I will stop to do good stuff. I will read another hour. I will read the rest of the chapter today before 18:00.

I should not make this so complicated.

Astronomy by Mark Kozelek came on a minute ago. I like it a lot.

I talked with Malakai for a few minutes today. It went okay.

I just made Oriental Ramen. I added butter, turmeric and red pepper powder. I made it quite spicy. I like it.

"This Is My Town" is playing. Another one of my few favourites.

Now "Ashes" is on. It's good, kinda dark for me. There are several on that album I like a lot more.

I prefer a more light-hearted Mark Kozelek.

I put on Molly's Game a bit ago. Chastain is so attractive that it seems aggressive, excessive. Her jaw is great.

I'll stop this soon. I keep thinking of buying a bottle of alcohol. Wine or whiskey... If I do I hope it is cheap wine. But I hope I don't. If I do, I hope I don't drink it all today.

I keep wondering if being drunk will help me do what I know need to do. I know it is better to not drink too much. Two drinks at a time may be too much, in many cases. It would be better if I stopped thinking too much about getting drunk or buzzed.

All right... I'm listening to Colin Hay shuffled on Spotify.

Okay... talk to you soon. I love you foever...

Friday, January 4, 2019

It is 15:37.
My mom and I were putting away Christmas stuff. She still is.
It is sunny.

I watched and listened to stuff in the middle of last night and today. I did not sleep well. I was in bed till almost 11. I drank too much alcohol.
I thought I was going to do better starting this year, but I seem to be about the same.
I ate navy beans last night. In the night, I tried to poo a few times and failed. A bit after I got up, I succeeded.

I am listening to Mark Kozelek with Ben Boye and Jim White.
I am drinking coffee and chocolate.

My mom and I did yoga about noon, after she watched the first episode of Soprano's.
I got in the hot tub, 104 degrees, sun shining on it.
Then I cut my beard. It's stubbly now. It feels weird and good.

My mom and I are planning to make stir fry in a new wok tonight.

It is 16:02. I helped my mom Gorilla Glue a mermaid decoration's tail.

It is 16:17.
Things have been okay.
I have been anxious about work and my soul and stuff.
I've read about 10 pages of From Dawn to Decadence since Christmas. It is very good and good for me.

It is 16:22.

Okay, now it is 16:43. I just cleaned Emerson's vomit off of two rugs.

The Robin Williams Tunnel is playing.

I like this song a lot.

This is enough... To know!


I love you.

Poetry is ghostly and tired of health.

You are all I want to think of. Snow washes the dove's back. The name brand snack chip, I am broke out of love. I thought I asked polite...